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Bravecto is the name of the revolutionary medicine that is used for dogs to fight against their fleas and ticks treatment. Bravecto has been proven to be very safe, administering on dogs. This oral and chewable medicine is a new addition to other existing fleas and ticks treatment measures. The best thing about Bravecto is that it gives the maximum protection of 12 weeks and starts working in just 2 hours. I got so many questions to answer, but the one I am going to talk about today is – is Bravecto safe for pregnant dogs?

The answer is yes. There is no reason with Bravecto to not being safe for your pregnant dog. The way Bravecto works is completely safe even when your Dog is breeding and lactating. The active ingredient of Bravecto is Fluralaner. Fluralaner is very secure in the environment but is harmful to insects. Fleas and Ticks are also insects, which feed on your dog’s blood.

Once you administer Bravecto in your dog, the active ingredient gets mixed with the tissue fluid of your dog. Now when the blood-sucking insects try to feed on your dog’s blood, they get the Fluralaner induced blood. The ingredient is known for paralyzing the insects in short time and afterward killing them from the root.

Bravecto not only works on interrupting the life cycle of the insect but also kill them before they lay eggs. Fleas are sort of insects which dies very fast, whereas ticks take some time to go completely from your dog’s body. Both the insects create great uncomforting and irritation in your dog’s body and leave them with itchiness and other diseases.

Read More : bravecto rebate 2020


As Bravecto is very safe for pregnant dogs too, you can administer the medicine without further hesitation. The veterinary doctors even prescribe Bravecto even when your dogs are pregnant.

Once you apply Bravecto to your dog, there is no restriction in petting and touching your dog. It is safe for humans too. There are specific application guidelines you need to follow to ignore the side effects of the medicine. Every medicine shows a few side effects. Doesn’t mean that it will show every impact on your dog too. But if you notice your dog be

•    Vomiting

•    Being lazy and lethargic

•    Losing appetite

Do consider that these are the symptoms that your dog might be having the side effects. The minimum weighing criteria for your dog to be able to eat Bravecto is 4.4 pounds. Bravecto applies to dogs who are at least 6 months older or more. Thus don’t try Bravecto on puppies or other animals.

The label and package insert of Bravecto will give you further information about using the medicine. You can even consult your physician before starting using the drug. It is always advised to follow the age and the dose criteria accordingly. Bravecto comes in 5 different sizes. Every size is applicable for different bodyweight range. Thus you have to cautious about the bodyweight of your dog.


The usage of Bravecto may differ from one dog to another. The reason is the seriousness of the insect. Bravecto is the only medicine that works for 3 months in a single dose. Thus it is enough to feed your dog with Bravecto once in 12 weeks. But your veterinary doctor may suggest you some other tips according to your need.

You must ask your doctor before starting the medicine on your dog. An overdose of Bravecto may cause seizures to your dogs. The seizure is life taking when severe.

Bravecto starts working within 2 hours on fleas and 12 hours is the maximum time to work on ticks for Bravecto. Bravecto is better than any other medicine for the reason that you don’t have to follow a monthly routine to apply Bravecto on your dogs.

Recommended For you :  Bravecto topical for cats


  • Consult your doctor before using the medicine. If you notice any unusual changes in your dog like fever or little bumps on the body, don’t ignore and rush to your doctor soon.
  • The flavor of the medicine is very approachable for dogs. They might eat the drug easily if given directly. But it is better to mix the drug with foods and administering to dogs.
  • Follow the weight range and dosage instructions properly while administering the medicine.
  • The insects can be stacked to your dog’s body even after death. The insects have tiny stings to do so. Thus if you see dead insects fixed to your dog’s body don’t panic, you can get them removed by merely brushing out. Dead ticks are not hard to get eliminated like alive insects are.
  • Store the medicine as per the storage instruction and keep it away from children’s reach.

You can read my previous blogs of comparing other medicines with Bravecto. You will only find out that Bravecto is the best pick from every aspect and this is one of those medicines you can entirely rely upon to treat your dog. Check Bravecto Coupon codes Take care of your pets.

Shashank Jain

Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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